Cosmetic Dentistry Before and After
This patient was so embarrassed about her front teeth that she did not even want us to take her picture. The first pre op picture is taken right before Dr. Hacikian was ready to prep her tooth that she changed her mind and we took a photo. Not a great photo however, it illustrates the before picture. She hated her front tooth. She said she had a crown placed on the tooth so long ago and was really never happy with it when it was first inserted but she learned to live with it. We never insert anything unless the patient is happy, satisfied. The crown was too big, bulky, too yellow and the material that was used had metal inside which did not look very aesthetic. With advanced new technology we no longer have to use unaesthetic crowns in the front and now we use all porcelain materials which all light to pass through and give more life like look without the grey metal showing on the gums. The picture in the middle is the temporaries made by Dr. Hacikian and you can see her face light up with a smile. The last photo is the final product inserted. With just one tooth look at the possibilities of improvement. Send us an email or a picture and we will give you a free consult.
One of the most challenging things in dentistry is to match one of the front teeth known, as the central incisor to the other front tooth. This patient was on a budget and did not like the front tooth which was cracked and discolored. We whitened her teeth first and crowned the discolored tooth. Conservative, did not break the bank and what a difference it made with her smile. What an improvement. Do you have a cracked tooth and have been thinking about fixing it for a while but couldn’t afford it or so you thought? Send us a picture and we will give you a free consult.